Gardenia LC

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Dried Gardenia fruits from Tanaka-nao, Japan. Photo by X. Zhang


Gardenia jasminoides is an evergreen shrubs and small trees growing to 1–15 meters (3.3–49.2 ft) tall. The tinctorial fruits are called huangzhizi in Chinese. This species can be difficult to grow because it originated in warm humid tropical areas. It demands high humidity to thrive, and bright (not direct) light. It flourishes in acidic soils with good drainage and thrives on [68-74 F temperatures (20-23 C)] during the day and 60 F (15-16 C) in the evening.

Gardenia jasminoidesis indigenous in southern China, the Ryukyu islands and southern Japan.

Historical importance

Summary of results

Analytical instrumentation and procedures


Absorbance at 450nm (mAU)

Sample information

Sample information, By R. A. Laursen, Boston University

Identified compounds

Crocin UV-Vis


Compound RT (min.) MW UV/vis Other
crocin 17.6 976 440,460


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