Centre SMAArt (UNIPG)

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Scientific Methodologies applied to Archaeology and Art, University of Perugia

Scientific Methodologies applied to Archaeology and Art (SMAArt) is a Centre of research and education of the University of Perugia (UNIPG) which joins together six different Departments of the University and some laboratories of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Science and Technology of Materials (INSTM). The objectives of SMAArt are 1) to promote the co-operation between human and physical sciences; 2) to offer academic and research Institutions, dedicated to the study and preservation of national and European cultural heritage, an integrated body of resources and competence in both historical and scientific fields; 3) to create, through research, new highly-qualified professional figures with a knowledge on the cultural heritage also from the point of view of materials and their properties; and 4) to develop new investigation methods and portable instruments for non-destructive in situ studies. The Centre SMAArt is cooperating with many of the most prestigious European institutions in the field of the conservation of cultural heritage, being the Coordinator of the Eu-ARTECH Integrated Infrastructure Initiative within the 6th F.P. (http://www.eu-artech.org). (from website)

Web Address http://www.smaart.it/index.php
Searchable Yes


Website has example videos of conservation treatments

UNIPG participates in the EPSICON program for training Ph.D. level conservation scientists.