6.09.01 Armenian Bole (Red Bole)

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Pigment Number 6.09.01; 6.09.1; 537 (NYU old); A-46 (PMA)
Pigment Classification 6.09 RED - Miscellaneous
Bottle Label Armenian Bole (Red Bole)
Collection Source EWF
Supplier/Manufacturer Venice
Date 1906

Museums and labs that have a sample

Lab Name Lab Number Comment
Brooklyn Museum 6.09.1; 537 (old)
Buffalo State 6.09.1
DIA-Detroit 6.09.1 Three vials (A, B, C)
ICA-Cleveland 6.09.1
IFA-NYU 6.09.1; 537 (old)
Library of Congress 6.09.1
McRI-Chicago 6.09.1 bottles a,b,c
PMA-Philadelphia A-46 'Venice 1906' not listed
Walters-Baltimore 6.09.1 Slide mounted
Winterthur 6.09.1 v

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