Stone Mountain granite

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A medium-grain, light gray Granite quarried from Stone Mountain, a massive dome-shaped granite outcropping that projects from the surrounding plains east of Atlanta, Georgia. Stone Mountain granite has been widely used for buildings and monuments. In 1917, Gutson Borglum, an American sculptor was commissioned to start a bas-relief sculpture on the northern face of Stone Mountain. The Confederate Memorial carving, mostly done in the 1960's, depicts the South's Civil war leaders.

Resources and Citations

  • Dictionary of Building Preservation, Ward Bucher, ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York City, 1996
  • Frank A. Lent, Trade names and Descriptions of Marbles, Limestones, Sandstones, Granites and Other Building Stones Quarried in the United States Canada and other Countries., Stone Publishing Co, New York, 1925