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Istituto Centrale del Patologia del Libro

The Istituto centrale di patologia del libro (IPCL) is a branch of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. IPCL's chief function is to carry out research aimed at the protection, restoration and conservation of library materials. The Institute was founded in 1938 on the initiative of Alfonso Gallo with a view to uniting scientific disciplines with the historical study of library materials. This policy has been revitalized and further developed from the 1980s onwards by means of a discipline - the archaeology of the book - the object of which is to reconstruct the material culture that presided over the manufacture of antique books. Research activities are carried out in close collaboration with the principal national and international institutes operating in this sector: Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), universities, and the principal foreign organizations committed to knowledge and conservation of antique and modern books. (extracted from website)

Web Address http://www.patologialibro.beniculturali.it/
Postal Address Istituto Centrale di Patologia del Libro

Via Milano



Phone (+39) 06482911
Fax (+39) 064814968
Contact patlib@tin.it
Information Online Technical information

Conferences / seminars

Courses / workshops

Publishes newsletter

Publishes journal

Books / brochures / articles

Publication sold online

Related links

Searchable No
Categories Research / training
Website Languages English



Two periodicals: CABnewsletter (bi-monthly) and QUINIO (annual).

A series called "Addenda" has produced Storia del restauro librario (1992), La legatura medievale (1993), Terminologia del libro manoscritto (1996), La carta occidentale nel tardo Medioevo (2001) and Paper as a Medium of Cultural Heritage (2004).

Several research projects are described online including Con Be Lib skills map (www.conbelib.org).

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