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Northeast Document Conservation Center

The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) is a "non-profit organisation specialises in the preservation of paper, books, photographs. The site gives online access to an up-to-date manual on preventive conservation of library and archive documents. NEDCC's mission is threefold: to improve the preservation programs of libraries, archives, historical societies, and other cultural institutions; to provide the highest quality conservation and reformatting services to institutions that cannot afford in-house conservation facilities or to those institutions seeking specialized expertise; and to provide leadership within the preservation and conservation fields. To accomplish its mission, the Center maintains four distinct departments: Field Services, Paper Conservation, Book Conservation, and Reprographic Services." (from website)

Web Address
Postal Address Northeast Document Conservation Center

100 Brickstone Square

Andover, MA 01810-1494USA

Phone +1 978 470 1010
Fax +1 978 475 6021
Information Online Conferences / seminars

Courses / workshops


Books / brochures / articles

Publications viewable online

Publication sold online

Membership / staff directory

Searchable Yes
Categories Research / training
Website Languages English


Include information on grants, conference, workshops even those not sponsored by NEDCC; Provides conservation and photographic services;

Preservation Manual is available online in English, Russian and Spanish

Newsletter (1/year) - NEDCC Newsletter; available online

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