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National Gallery of Art - Scientific Research Department

In Washington DC, the National Gallery of Art's commitment to scientific research began in 1950 with the appointment of Dr. Robert L. Feller as technical advisor for conservation and curatorial activities. The department, which hired its first in-house scientist in 1976 and its first full-time scientist in 1984, now includes experts in the fields of chemistry, botany, conservation, and art history. The scientists work in collaboration with curators and conservators on topics related directly to the National Gallery's collection, as well as on problems that are of general interest to the international conservation community. The Scientific Research Department uses scientific techniques and instrumentation to carry out its twofold mission: research and development of new materials for use in the conservation of works of art, and investigation into the methods and materials of artists. (extracted from website)

Web Address
Postal Address National Gallery of Art

Scientific Research Department

2000B South Club Drive

Landover, MD 20785

Searchable No


Webpage links to a pdf file listing depatmental publications; also contains descriptive information on analytical techniques

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