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National Park Service - Heritage Preservation Services

Heritage Preservation Services is a division of the U.S. National Park Service that "helps our nation's citizens and communities identify, evaluate, protect and preserve historic properties for future generations of Americans. Located in Washington, D.C. within the National Center for Cultural Resources, the Division provides a broad range of products and services, financial assistance and incentives, educational guidance, and technical information in support of this mission. Its diverse partners include State Historic Preservation Offices, local governments, tribes, federal agencies, colleges, and non-profit organizations." (From website)

Web Address
Postal Address Heritage Preservation Services

National Center for Cultural Resources

National Park Service

1201 Eye St, NW, 2255

Washington, D.C. 20005

Phone +1 202 513-7270
Information Online Conferences / seminars

Courses / workshops


Grants / funding

Publications viewable online

Publishes info sheets

Publishes tech info sheets

Searchable Yes
Categories Research / training
Website Languages English


Provides technical reports and information bulletins (Preservation Briefs) online.

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