Pigmentum Project

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The Pigmentum Project is an ongoing programme to develop and catalogue quality data on historical pigments. It "is targeted principally at the nascent field known as 'technical art history'. That is, studies of cultural material through the application of a combination of scientific analytical and documentary research to elucidate the historical context." The Pigmentum Project was set up by Valentine Walsh and Nicholas Eastaugh to be an informal group of researchers with a diversity of background but a common purpose in studying historical pigments. It recently joined the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art at the University of Oxford as an autonomous research group. (extracted from website)

Web Address http://pigmentum.org/
Postal Address The Pigmentum Project

5 Whitehorse Mews

37-39 Westminster Bridge Road

London SE1 7QD


Phone +44 (0)20 7928 8385
Contact nicholas.eastaugh@pigmentum.org
Searchable No


Publications include:

The Pigment Compendium, which consists of two books (A Dictionary of Historical Pigments and Optical Microscopy of Historical Pigments) as well as an interactive CD-ROM.

Lazurite, which is a searchable database designed to facilitate the documentation of objects and technical information

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