Polyphenylene oxide

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A thermoplastic polymer made by the oxidative condensation of 2,6-dimethyl phenol. Polyphenylene oxide, PPO, is a good electrical insulator. It is a noncrystalline polymer that can crack when exposed to UV light or halogenated solvents. Modified PPO is made by blending PPO with 50% by weight polystyrene. Modified PPO is used as a structural foam in appliances and electrical housings.



Synonyms and Related Terms

PPHOX; PPO; polyphenylene ether (PPE); poli(xido de fenileno) (Esp.); xido de polifenileno (Port.)

Physical and Chemical Properties

  • Resistant to acids, alkalis and oils.
  • Attacked by many organic solvents.

Resources and Citations

  • Theodore J. Reinhart, Theodore J. Reinhart, 'Glossary of Terms', Engineered Plastics, ASM International, 1988
  • Website: www.me.umist.ac.uk.historyp