Naval Jelly Rust Dissolver

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Naval Jelly


[Loctite] A registered trademark for a commercial rust remover. Naval Jelly contains Water (65-70%), Phosphoric acid (25-30%) and Sulfuric acid (1-3%) in a gel matrix composed of a thixotropic polysaccharide (1-3%), isopropanol (1-3%), Surfactant (1-3%) and Silica (0.1-1%). The phosphoric acid dissolves the Rust (iron oxide) and then reacts to form iron phosphate. The iron phosphate provides a thin protective coating to minimize further oxidation. For treatment with Naval Jelly , the pink gel is brushed on the metal surface, allowed to stay for 5-20 minutes, then rinsed off. The acids are then neutralized with a bicarbonate|baking soda paste. In addition to removing rust, Naval Jelly is used to prepare Iron and Steel surfaces for painting.

Synonyms and Related Terms

Naval Jelly Rust Remover


  • Corrosive.
  • Contact will irritate and burn tissues.
  • Leaving Naval Jelly on a surface longer than 15 minutes can result in pitting.
  • Henkel: SDS

Physical and Chemical Properties

  • Soluble in water. pH = 1
  • White residue after use is due to salts and can be removed with water and baking soda.

Resources and Citations