Hokusai, Chinese Boys Pulling a Cart, 21.10201

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Chinese Boys Pulling a Cart

唐子の花車引き (右)

Katsushika Hokusai (1760–1849)

Publisher: Nishimuraya Yohachi (Eijudô)

Edo period about 1787–93 (Tenmei 7–Kansei 5)

Diptych: 11.15012 (left sheet)

for more information see:

MFA Online Collections Database


Analysis point Results
Pt 1 turmeric
Pt 2 safflower?
Pt 3 indigo, orpiment
Pt 4 turmeric
Pt 5 orpiment, safflower
Pt 6 dayflower (no safflower?)
Pt 7 safflower

Note: The center of the circle is point of analysis.