Linaloe oil
Any of a variety of essential oils that contain linalol, an alcohol that smells like rose, ambergris, or lavender. The oils are generally distilled from the heartwood of the trees. Some types of linaloe oils (botanical sources) are:
1) Bois de rose oil (Aniba panurensis) from Brazil. It is also known as Rosewood oil, Cayenne linaloe and Cayenne oil.
2) Mexican linaloe (Bursera delpechinanum, Bursera aloeoxylon)
3) Oriental linaloe (Aquilaria agollocha) from India and southeast Asia. It is also known as aloe wood oil and agar attar.
4) Rhodium oil (Convolvulus scoparius) from the Canary Islands. It is also known as rosewood oil.
Synonyms and Related Terms
esencia de linalol (Esp.); rosewood oil; bose de rose oil (Aniba panurensis); Mexican linaloe (Bursera delpechinanum, Bursera aloeoxylon); Oriental linaloe (Aquilaria agollocha); rhodium oil (Convolvulus scoparius); lignaloe; Cayene linaloe; Cayenne oil; aloe wood oil; agar attar
Resources and Citations
- Thomas Gregory, The Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Reinhold Publishing, New York, 3rd ed., 1942
- G.S.Brady, Materials Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1971 Comment: p. 671