Silicoil Brush Cleaning fluid
Revision as of 12:12, 27 April 2013 by (username removed)
[The Lion Co., Louisville, KY] A brand name for a colorless, hydrocarbon-based solvent mixture used to clean artist paint brushes. Silicoil is a mixture of kerosene, spirits mineral spirits, and distilled (oil) turpentine. The solution can be used for cleaning paint oil, paint acrylic, and other water-base paints from brushes without the addition of soap.
Other Properties
Miscible with most other hydrocarbon solvents. Insoluble in water.
Viscosity = 1.5-1.7
Hazards and Safety
Flammable. Flash point = 127 F
Harmful if swallowed. Inhalation and contactmay cause irritation.
- MSDS Sheet Comment: 4/1/01
- Website address 1, Website address 1 Comment: