Rhoplex MC-76
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[Rohm & Haas] A registered trademark for an aqueous acrylic emulsion. Rhoplex MC-76 has a solids content of 46-48% and a pH of 9.5-10. It was designed as a coating for cement and masonry and has been used in the conservation of loose lath plaster.
Synonyms and Related Terms
Rhoplex M-76 (sp)
- Talas: MSDS
Physical and Chemical Properties
- Solids content = 46-48% with a pH = 9.5-10
- Minimum film forming temperature = 10 C
Resources and Citations
- Rohm and Haas: www.rohmhaas.com
- Talas online: http://apps.webcreate.com/ecom/catalog/product_specific.cfm?ClientID=15&ProductID=17843 (accessed July 07)