Visible radiation

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Visible radiation


The portion of the radiation electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths ranging from 380 - 770 nanometers (nm). Visible radiation falls between radiation ultraviolet and radiation infrared regions of the spectrum. The shortest visible light waves are violet and the longest are red. The effects of radiation are measured in terms of its quality (color), quantity (intensity) and duration (time). Isaac Newton first used the word spectrum in 1671 to described the colors of light dispersed by a glass prism.

Visible radiation

Synonyms and Related Terms

light; visible light rays; optical spectrum; visible spectrum; Lichtspektrum (Deut.); lumire visible (Fr.); espectro visvel (Port.); espectro ptico (Port.)


  • G.S.Brady, G.S.Brady, Materials Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1971
  • Thomas B. Brill, Thomas B. Brill, Light Its Interaction with Art and Antiquities, Plenum Press, New York City, 1980

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