Green pigments
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Green is a color produced by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of about 490560 nm. It is considered a primary color in the RGB additive color model, but is a secondary color in the traditional RYB color wheel made by mixing blue and yellow. An average green color is represented by the following color coordinates:
- Hex triplet: #008000 (HTML/CSS)
- RGB: (0, 128~255, 0); CMYK (0, 0, 0, 100)
- HSV: (120, 100%, 50~100%)
Examples of inorganic green pigments:
- earth green (celadonite, glauconite, verte terre verte).
- oxides (viridian, oxide chromic oxide, green chrome green, green cobalt green).
- carbonates (malachite, bice).
- other (green emerald green, atacamite, brochantite).
Examples of organic green pigments:
- plant (green sap green, chlorophyll).
- synthetic (verdigris, green phthalocyanine, green Brilliant green).
Synonyms and Related Terms
grn (Dan.); Grn (Deut.); verde (Esp., It., Port.); pigments verts (Fr.); viridus (Lat.); groen (Ned.); grn (Sven.); pigmentos verdes (Port.)