Tsurubami kakuto (Acorn) - center (251 C)

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Uemura 08-13-2009 251.jpg

Museum number 251
Uemera number / title 一; 櫨染 廿五 "Haze-some 25"
Folder location 4th shelf
Sample location center (251 C)
Fiber type cotton
Color dark brown
Dyestuff (Japanese common name) 橡殻斗 : Tsurubami kakuto
Dye (English common name) Acorn
Dyestuff (botanical name) Quercus acutissima Carruth.
Plant part acorn cap / dried (?)
Dyestuff extraction boiled in water
Auxiliary agent in dye bath -
Mordant iron
Other auxiliary agent -
Uemera's notes The resultant color was blue black, like dyeing with acorn; but not in brown tone.
Uemera's date Kyoto Murasakino