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[Milliput Co] A trademark for a two-part epoxy putty that is sold in a dual stick form. Developed in the late 1960s, Milliput® is prepared by kneading equal portions of each stick together until mixed. Milliput® shapes readily; surface drying can be minimized with a few drops of water. Before it hardens, acetone can be used for smoothing. The putty sets in 1 hour and hardens in 2-3 hours. Once hard, Milliput® can be sanded, drilled, cut, or filed. It adheres to wood, metal, plastic, glass, and porcelain. Milliput® is available in pure white, yellow-green, gray, and terracotta colors and may be tinted during mixing or painted after drying.

Physical and Chemical Properties

  • Can be removed with soap and water prior to cure.
  • When hardened, Milliput is resistant to water as well as most solvents and chemicals.

Resources and Citations

  • Marie Svoboda, Conservation Survey Index, unpublished, 1997
  • Gordon Hanlon, contributed information, 1998
  • Conservation Support Systems, Catalog, 1997
  • Website: