3.06.02 (Stone) Naples Yellow (found in studio)

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Pigment Number 3.06.02; 3.06.2; 385 (NYU old)
Pigment Classification 3.06 YELLOW - Naples Yellow
Bottle Label (Stone) Naples Yellow (found in studio)
Supplier/Manufacturer A.P.Laurie, Churt, Surrey, England
Date 1949

Museums and labs that have a sample

Lab Name Lab Number Comment
Brooklyn Museum 3.06.2; 385 (old)
DIA-Detroit 3.06.2
ICA-Cleveland 3.06.2
IFA-NYU 3.06.2; 385 (old) Slide specimen only;

A.P. Laurie, Churt, Surrey, England, 1949

McRI-Chicago 3.06.2 Stone Naples Yellow; Prof. Lawie Surrey, England 1949

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