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Art Conservation Research Center at Carnegie Mellon University

The Artists' Materials Center is an applied research organization at Carnegie Mellon University dedicated to helping museums, libraries and archives improve the ways of caring for their collections. The center was originally established as a fellowship program of the National Gallery of Art at the Mellon Institute under the direction by Dr. Robert Feller. Separating from the NGA in 1976, the center reorganized as the Research Center on the Materials of the Artist and Conservator at Carnegie Mellon University. In 1988, Dr. Paul Whitmore came to the Center to become director. Since that time the Center's research has emphasized problems of modern art and library materials. Studies on color and paper degradation have continued, while new investigations were initiated encompassing studying acrylic paint materials, physical damage in modern paints, environmental conditions for paper storage, and methods for probing the condition and stability of artifacts. (extracted from website)

Web Address
Postal Address Mellon Institute

700 Technology DriveRm 3325

Pittsburgh, PS 15219

Phone 412 268 4425
Fax 412 268 3101
Information Online Technical information
Searchable No
Categories Research / training
Website Languages English


formerly AMC - Artists' Materials Center and Center on the Materials of the Artist and Conservator at Carnegie Mellon University

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