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Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro (ISCR, formerly ICR) (Higher Institute for Conservation & Restoration)

The Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro (ISCR, formerly ICR) was founded in 1939. The tasks of the I.S.C.R. are as follows: a) to carry out systematic investigations according to the influence of the various environmemntal factors, natural or accidental, that exercise a process of deterioration; also on the means to prevent and inhibit the effects; b) to carry out the necessary investigations for the formulation of rules and of the relative specific techniques of restoration of conservation interventions; c) to render scientific and technical advice to the peripheral bodies of the Ministry and of the Regions; d) to provide the teaching of restoration, particularly to the scientific-technical staff of Administration and of updating courses to the same State Administrative staff and to the Regional Administration should they require this; e) to carry out particularly complex restoration interventions or those corresponding to research necessities or to research aims or to didactic aims (from website).

Web Address
Postal Address

Via di San Michele, 23

00153 Roma

Phone 06 67236300
Information Online Conferences / seminars

Courses / workshops

Searchable No
Categories Research / Conservation / Training
Website Languages English



Web newsletter started in 2004 News.Icr (bimonthly in Italian and English)

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