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Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (National civil engineering laboratory)

"The Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) is a public institution of science and technology covering the broad field of civil engineering. The LNEC was created in 1946 and was a result of the merger between the Laboratory for Testing and Study of Materials of the Ministry for Public Works and the Centre for Civil Engineering Studies based at the Technical University of Lisbon. This twofold aspect, covering research and experimental work, shaped decisively LNEC's future development. Major objectives of LNEC's activity are innovation by the implementation of four year research plans, application of new technologies in studies under contract with a view to solve specific problems within the framework of civil engineering and the building construction industry and diffusion in technical and scientific circles of the results of its activities." (extracted from website)

Web Address http://www.lnec.pt/?set_language=en
Postal Address LNEC

Av. Brasil 101

1700-066 Lisboa


Phone 351 218443000
Fax 351 218443011
Searchable No
Website Languages English



Numerous books, reports, and material standards may be purchased online

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