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National Center for Preservation Technology and Training

The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT) was created by Congress in 1992 as an interdisciplinary program of the National Park Service to advance the art, craft and science of historic preservation in the fields of archeology, historic architecture, historic landscapes, objects and materials conservation, and interpretation. NCPTT serves public and private practitioners through research, education and information management. Their website provides online resources for the preservation community, including information about research, educational opportunities, and other online websites. (extracted from website)

Web Address
Postal Address NCPTT

645 College Avenue

Natchitoches, LA 71457USA

Phone +1 318 356 7444
Fax +1 318 356 9119
Information Online Bibliographic citations

Conferences / seminars

Courses / workshops

Grants / funding

Grant forms available online

Publishes newsletter

Publications viewable online

Archived information

Job openings

Membership / staff directory

Searchable Yes
Categories Grant / funding organization

Research / training

Website Languages English


NCPTT Notes - newsletter (2-3/year), archived issues viewable online back to 1997. Site searchable through NPS search engine.

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