Mars Plastic eraser

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Staedtler Mars plastic eraser


[Staedtler, Germany] A trademark for a white Vinyl eraser. First manufactured in 1967, Mars Plastic erasers are composed of Polyvinyl chloride with phthalate plasticizers and Calcium carbonate fillers. Mars Plastic erasers leave copious small white crumbs that can be removed with vacuuming (Estabrook, 1989). Surface pH measurement of the Mars Plastic erasers gave a neutral value of 7.66 (Estabrook, 1989). They are Sulfur-free.


Decomposes with heat evolving hydrogen chloride fumes

Resources and Citations

  • E. Estabrook "Considerations of the Effect of Erasers on Cotton Fabric" JAIC 28:79-96, 1989. Link
  • E. J. Pearlstein, D. Cabelli, A. King, & N. Indictor :Effects of Eraser Treatment on Paper" JAIC 22(1):1-12, 1982. Link