Orvus WA Paste

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[Proctor & Gamble] A trademark for an anionic detergent that contains sodium lauryl sulfate. Orvus® WA paste is a firm, white paste with 35% solids and a pH of 7.8. It is a biodegradable, water-soluble and is used as an emulsifier and thickener. Orvus® WA Paste is used as a shampoo, as a detergent for fine textiles and for general removal of surface grime.

Synonyms and Related Terms

Canpac 645

Other Properties

Soluble in water.

Density 1.04

Hazards and Safety

Talas: MSDS


  • Richard C. Wolbers, Nanette T. Sterman, Chris Stavroudis, Notes for Workshop on New Methods in the Cleaning of Paintings, J.Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles, 1990
  • Marie Svoboda, Conservation Survey Index, unpublished, 1997
  • Gordon Hanlon, contributed information, 1998
  • Meredith Montague, contributed information, 1998
  • Teri Hensick, contributed information, 1998
  • Conservation Materials Ltd., Catalog
  • Conservation Support Systems, Catalog, 1997

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