1.05.03 Flake White

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Flake white
Pigment Number 1.05.03; 1.05.3; 104 (NYU old); 524 (MFA); 157 (SCC); 21 (SCC old)
Pigment Classification 1.05 WHITE - Lead Whites
Bottle Label Flake White, Wadsworth Howland
Supplier/Manufacturer Wadsworth Howland
Date 1926 (1924)
Formula 2PbCO3-Pb(OH)2
Sample Composition Barium sulfate with zinc oxide/sulfide

Museums and labs that have a sample

Lab Name Lab Number Comment
MFA-Boston 524
Brooklyn Museum 1.05.3; 104 (old)
DIA-Detroit 1.05.3
ICA-Cleveland 1.05.3
IFA-NYU 1.05.3; 104 (old) slide specimen only
SCC-Cambridge MA 157; 21 (old) purchased by EWF in 1924; tested by J.L.Bohn in 1926


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