3M carpet cleaner

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(3M) As of 2015, the consumer product labeled 3M carpet cleaner no longer appears on the general 3m product list. There are, however, several carpet cleaning products listed on their commercial cleaning web pages, including

  • Scotchgard™ Bonnet Cleaner - listed as an easy to use, interim carpet maintenance with fast drying time
  • Scotchgard™ Extraction Cleaner 27H- listed as a heavy duty, low-foaming formula for use on most carpet fibers (nylon, polyester, olefin, wool & blends) and styles (loop or cut piles). It is specifically listed as safe for use on stain resistant nylon fibers.
  • Scotchgard™ Pretreatment Cleaner 28H - listed as a heavy duty, low-foaming formula for use on most carpet fibers (nylon, polyester, olefin, wool & blends) and styles (loop or cut piles) with no sticky residue


° Scotchgard™ Bonnet Cleaner: MSDS

° Scotchgard™ Extraction Cleaner 27: MSDS

° Scotchgard™ Pretreatment Cleaner 28: MSDS

Physical and Chemical Properties

Product Bonnet Cleaner Extraction Cleaner Pretreatment Cleaner
pH 7.5-8.5 7-8 7-8
Specific gravity ~1 ~1 1.1
Appearance clear, colorless clear, colorless clear, colorless
Fragrance floral honeysuckle mild chemical odor

Resources and Citations

  • Scotchgard™ Extraction Cleaner 27H: brochure
  • Scotchgard™ Pretreatment Cleaner 28H: brochure
  • 3M website website (accessed September 1, 2015)