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A cream-color wood obtained from evergreen Altsonia trees such as Alstonia congensis. Alstonia trees are native to western Africa, southeast Asia, central America, Polynesia, and Australia. The lightweight wood has a straight grain and fine texture that polishes to a medium luster. Alstonia is primarily used locally for veneers, moldings, and decorative boxes.

Synonyms and Related Terms

emien; stool wood; pattern wood; Indian devil tree; pala tree; batangforo (Senegal); kaiwi (Sierra Leone); sindru (Gold Coast); ahun, uhu, uguwa, ebwu, ebo (Nigeria); bokuk, ekouk, kuge, kokomat, (Cameroons); tsonguti, otondo (Belgian Congo); mujwa (Uganda); songati (Port.)

Physical and Chemical Properties

  • Some trees grow to 60 m.
  • Leaves=leathery, long with pinnate veins.
  • Specific gravity = 0.31 - 0.48 (air dry)
  • Density = 25-30 ppcf

Resources and Citations

  • F. H. Titmuss, Commercial Timbers of the World, The Technical Press Ltd., London, 1965
  • Kribs, Commercial Foreign woods on the American market