Amyl nitrate

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A colorless, sweet smelling liquid that is used medicinally as a muscle relaxer and as an antidote to Sodium cyanide. Amyl nitrate was first produced in 1857 and was originally used as a treatment for angina. Amyl nitrate was used as an ingredient for the production of Celluloid. This is not the same material as amyl nitrite, which is popularly used as an inhalant.

Synonyms and Related Terms

n-amyl nitrate; amyl nitrite


  • Highly flammable. Flash point 48C.
  • Ingestion is fatal.
  • Inhalation causes vasal dilation and muscle relaxation.
  • May cause dizziness and headaches.
  • Overdoses may cause fainting, asphyxia, and circulatory collapse.
  • NIH: [1]

Physical and Chemical Properties

Vaporized at room temperature.

Composition C5H11NO3
CAS 463-04-7
Density 0.99 g/ml
Boiling Point 145 C

Sources Checked for Data in Record

  • Richard S. Lewis, Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 10th ed., 1993
  • Website: -termlist for conservation --