Archival paper

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MFA# 2004.2192


Perma/Dur Buffered Bond Sheets

An acid-free paper with good aging properties. The ANSI Z39 USA Permanent Paper Standard specifies that permanent machine made papers be composed of rag fibers or chemical wood pulp with a pH of 7.5 or greater and an alkaline reserve.

See Acid-free paper.

Additional Information

Links to Oddy Test results posted on AIC Wiki Materials Database Pages for individual materials below

° 500 year Archival photocopy paper Tested in 2006

° 500 year Archival photocopy paper Tested in 2006

Resources and Citations

  • Book and Paper Group, Book and Paper Group, Paper Conservation Catalog, AIC, 1984, 1989
  • Silvie Turner, Silvie Turner, Which Paper?, Design Press, New York, 1991

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