Arten Gel

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Arten gel


[Art Preservation Services, NY] A former brand name for humidity buffering gel and tiles. Arten Gel tiles are shallow plastic trays that contain Silica gel enclosed in a nonwoven Polyolefin fabric. The covering allows moisture vapor passage in both directions. Arten Gel tiles were preconditioned to a set humidity, usually 43% RH, to provide a stable moisture content in a closed environment. The Arten Gel has now been replaced by the RHapid PAK silica gel.

Synonyms and Related Terms

Arten Silica Gel; Arten tiles; Kieselsäuregel (Deut.)

Resources and Citations

  • Art Preservation Services: Website
  • S. Weintraub 'Demystifying Silica Gel' Link
  • Marie Svoboda, Conservation Survey Index, unpublished, 1997
  • A Glossary of Paper Conservation Terms, Margaret Ellis (ed.), Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York City, 1998

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