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Batik sarong overall
MFA# 93.1452


Wax-resist batik
MFA# 21.543
Wax-resist batik
MFA# 31.913
Batik applicator tools
MFA# 45.245

A wax resist-dyed textile. The batik technique for dyeing textiles originated in southeast Asia. It is still commonly found in Indonesia (especially Java), Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. The pattern is applied to the cloth with melted Wax, the the fabric is dipped in Dye. Sometimes a series of wax/dye steps are used. The wax is removed with a solvent or ironed between paper towels.

Synonyms and Related Terms

batique; resist-dyed textile; Batik (Deut., Fr., Port., Sven.); batikken (Ned.);

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