Bismarck brown

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A soluble synthetic brown textile Disazo dye. Bismarck brown was made in 1863 by C Martius by coupling diazonium ions and amines. It is used to dye fats, waxes, varnishes, and wood.

Synonyms and Related Terms

Basic Brown 1; CI 21000; Solvent Brown 41; bruno di Bismarck (It.); Vesuvine BA


  • No known hazards.
  • ThermoFisher: SDS

Physical and Chemical Properties

Composition C18H18N8.2HCl
CAS 1052-38-6
Molecular Weight mol. wt. = 419.32

Resources and Citations

  • Helmut Schweppe, Schweppe color collection index and information book
  • A.Scharff, 'Synthetic dyestuffs for textiles and their fastness to washing', ICOM-CC Preprints Lyon, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 1999
  • Colour Index International online at Comment: formula=C18H18N8.2HCl, CAS=1052-38-6
  • Website:
  • Sigma Dyes, Stains and Natural Pigments, Infrared Library, Nicolet, 1991-1995 Comment: OMNIC formula=C18H18N8, CAS=10114-58-6

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