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Centre de recherche et de restauration des musees de France (Centre of Research & Restoration of the Museums of France)

The Centre of Research & Restoration of the Museums of France was created by the French Ministry of Culture on December 1998, by merging of two previous structures: the Laboratory of Research of the Museums of France (LRMF) & the Restoration Service of the Museums of France (SRMF). The missions of C2RMF consist in, in cooperation with the curators in charge of the various French Museums collections, the definition & the implementation of the politics of the Direction of the Museums of France in the fields of research, preventive conservation & restoration of the French Museums collections. C2RMF has a R&D activity relative to the methods of examination, characterisation & analysis of the cultural heritage artefacts & their componant materials, sets up & keeps a documentation on these artefacts & materials, on the restoration techniques, & carries out restoration campaigns. C2RMF employs rougly 150 people & is located in three places: the office & an underground laboratory under the Carrousel garden & restoration workshops in the Flore aisle of the Louvre Palace in Paris, & restoration workshops in the "Petites Ecuries" building in front of the Versailles Palace. C2RMF participates in many research projects, bilateral or in the frame of European research programmes.

Web Address http://www.c2rmf.fr/
Postal Address Centre de recherche et de restauration des musees de France

Palais du Louvre, Porte des Lions

14 quai François Mitterrand

75001 Paris - FRANCE

Phone +33 1 40 20 56 52
Fax +33 1 47 03 32 46
Contact sophie.lefevre@culture.gouv.fr
Information Online Publishes journal (Techné)

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Categories Research / Conservation / Training
Website Languages French


journal (annual) = Techne = http://www.culture.fr/culture/editions/r-tekne.htm; archived indexes online back to 1996, back issues may be ordered

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