Calcium chromate

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A pale yellow pigment often used as an extender for Chrome yellow. Calcium chromate was first produced in the late 19th century. It has good light and heat stability. Calcium chromate is used in anticorrosive paints.

Synonyms and Related Terms

Pigment Yellow 33; CI 77223 ; Gelbin; Steinbühler Gelb (Deut.); Calciumchromat (Deut.); chromate de calcium (Fr.); cromato de calcio (Esp.); chromiko asbestio (Gr.); cromato di calcio (It.); calciumchromaat (Ned.); cromato de cálcio (Port.); yellow ultramarine; calcium chrome yellow


  • Human carcinogen.
  • Skin contact may cause allergies.
  • Acute ingestion may cause fatal chromium poisoning.
  • Chronic inhalation may cause lung cancer and respiratory irritation
  • ThermoFisher: SDS

Physical and Chemical Properties

Soluble in dilute acids. Slightly soluble in water. Insoluble in alcohols.

Composition CaCrO4; CaCrO4-H2O
CAS 13765-19-0
Density 2.89 g/ml
Molecular Weight mol. wt. = 156.07

Resources and Citations

  • H. Kuhn, M.Curran, "Chrome Yellow and Other Chromate Pigments", Artists Pigments, Volume 1, R. Feller (ed.), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1986.
  • Richard S. Lewis, Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 10th ed., 1993
  • The Merck Index, Martha Windholz (ed.), Merck Research Labs, Rahway NJ, 10th edition, 1983

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