Camger 1-146 Polyglase Environmental Coating

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[Camger Coating Systems Inc.] A protective coating formulated with an aliphatic urethane and poly(propylene glycol). Camger 1-175 is designed to provide a barrier coating to minimize off-gassing. The preparation does not contain any solvents and the dried coating is resistant to abrasion, chemicals and hydrolysis.

Camger was originally made in two different formulations: Polyglase 1-175 and 1-146. 1-175 was the formulation that was originally developed and tested for conservation use, but 1-146 was very similar in formulation and cost. For a period the company kept 1-146 but discontinued the 1-175, then later restarted production of 1-175.

See Camger 1-175 for more information.

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