Champlain marbles

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The commercial name for several colors of Dolomitic marble quarried near Lake Champlain, Vermont since 1664. Champlain marbles contain high quantities of silica resulting in a hard marble that polishes to a high gloss. These marbles have been used in all parts of the U.S. for decoration and floors (Lent 1925).

  • Champlain Black -a hard black marble with occasional white fossil shells
  • Isle la Motte and Fisk Black - same as Champlain black
  • Royal Red - dark reddish-brown with lighter clouds and white streaks
  • Jasper - red background with pink and white brecciated corals
  • Lyonnais - a red and brown marble with occasional white spots
  • Olive - a pale greenish-gray with streaks of pinkish-gray
  • Oriental - a dark reddish brown with purplish markings and white spots.
  • Winooski - same as Lyonnais

Synonyms and Related Terms

Champlain Black; Fisk Black; Royal Red; Jasper; Lyonnais; Olive; Oriental; Winooski

Resources and Citations

  • Frank A. Lent, Trade names and Descriptions of Marbles, Limestones, Sandstones, Granites and Other Building Stones Quarried in the United States Canada and other Countries., Stone Publishing Co, New York, 1925

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