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Credit: Chesapeake


Ecoboard is a brand name for a solid construction board made from cellulose fibers derived from straw and a water-based slurry of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) adhesive. Ecoboard is manufactured for 100% wheat straw and does not emit any of the organics acids found in other MDF boards. The strawboard has strength comparable to other MDF boards for weight bearing and resisting deformation. A wax coating on the surface of Ecoboard acts as a waterproof coating and sealant. Additionally the MDI/straw connection forms a hydrophobic barrier. No fire-retardants are added to Ecoboard since its high CO2 content inhibits flame production.

Synonyms and Related Terms

Strawboard; Wheatboard


Used as a structural material for pedestals, display decks, display panels and risers.

Personal Risks

MDI is the least hazardous of the commonly available isocyanates, but it may act as an allergen and sensitizer.. Personal protective equipment is recommended.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Property Comparison
Item Unit Particle Board Straw Board MDF Board
Density Kg/mm3 400-900 650-800 600-800
Bending strength MPa >13 >13 >20
Vertical nail holding ability N >1100 >1100 >1000
Swelling rate/ water absorption Fading% <8 <6 <10

Working Properties

  • Standard wood product finishing processes. Can be painted, stained, laminated, veneered or covered with display fabric.

Resources and Citations

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