Laropal A-81

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[BASF] A trademark for low molecular weight urea-aldehyde resin. Laropal A-81 is used as a base material in Gamblin Conservation Colors retouching paint. The low molecular weight resin is soluble in low polarity solvents and is said to have working properties similar to natural resins.

Resources and Citations

  • la Rie, S.Q.Lomax, M.Palmer, L.D.Glinsman, C.Maines, "An Investigation of the Photochemical Stability of Urea-aldehyde Resin Retouching Paints" International Institute for Conservation, Melbourne Congress, 2000.
  • J.M.Arslanoglu, T.Learner, "The Evaluation of Laropal A81: Paraloid B-72 Blend Varnises for Painted and Decorative Surfae:Optical and Aesthetic Properties" The Conservator v.25, UKIC, 2001.

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