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[Lansess, formerly by ECC International] A trademark for a series of fungicides and antimicrobial agents. Metasol solutions originally contained mercury products, but formulations were changed in the late 20th century. The products are used for slime control in pulp and paper processing plants.

  • Metasol PAA - peracetic acid, a chlorine-free oxidizer that decomposes to water and acetic acid.
  • Metasol LT - low toxicity
  • Metasol TK 100 - small grain powder with thiabendazole as the active ingredient. Thermally stable, no yellowing.
  • Metasol TK 25 AD - an aqueous dispersion of thiabendazole (25%) that shows broad spectrum activity. Thermally stable, no yellowing.

Resources and Citations

  • Richard S. Lewis, Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 10th ed., 1993