Musee de la Musique - Laboratoire

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Musee de la Musique - Laboratoire (Musee de la Musique Paris - Laboratory)

The Laboratory of the Musée de la Musique in Paris has its origin in the restoration centre, created in 1967, in the frame of the instruments museum of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique. If it is still the privileged place for restoration of musical instruments, it has progressively evolved towards a research centre dedicated to the instrumental patrimony. In order to answer the questions asked by the Museum itself or other collections, its competence areas covers restoration, preventive conservation, analytical chemistry, physics, acoustic, and history of musical instrument manufacture.

Web Address
Postal Address Musée de la Musique


221 avenue Jean Jaures

75019 PARIS - France

Phone 33 144844484
Searchable No
Categories Conservation/Restoration/Research
Website Languages French

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