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Online Computer Library Center

"A global library cooperative OCLC is a nonprofit membership organization serving 41,000 libraries in 82 countries and territories around the world. Founded in 1967 by university presidents to share library resources and reduce library costs, OCLC introduced an online shared cataloging system for libraries in 1971 that today is used by libraries around the world. The Interlibrary Loan service was introduced in 1979 and since then has been used for more than 118 million loans among 6,928 libraries around the world. The FirstSearch service was introduced as a reference tool in 1991 and is now used by 19,246 libraries. At the center of OCLC services is the WorldCat database, which is the most consulted database in higher education Holds over 47 million cataloging records created by libraries around the world, with a new record added every 15 seconds. Spans over 4,000 years of recorded knowledge with 400 languages represented." (from website)

Web Address http://www.oclc.org/home/
Postal Address OCLC Online Computer

Library Center, Inc.

6565 Frantz Road

Dublin, OH 43017-3395USA

Phone +1 614 764 6000+1 800 848 5878 (USA/Can)
Fax +1 614 764 6096
Contact oclc@oclc.org
Information Online Bibliographic citations

Conferences / seminars

Courses / workshops

Publishes newsletter

Publications viewable online

Job openings

Related links

Searchable Yes
Website Languages English


Newsletter (): OCLC Technical Bulletin: current and past issues available online

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