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Orion Analytical, LLC

Orion Analtical is a materials analysis and consulting firm. Orion studies the structure and composition of materials comprising art, artifacts, and architecture; forensic evidence; and manufactured goods. The range of materials spans more than 4000 years, from ancient Egyptian artifacts to modern compact discs. Examinations and analyses are performed in accordance with standard practices. Results and conclusions are documented in detailed, easy-to-understand reports. We specialize in examination and scientific imaging, and analysis of particles, fibers, thin sections and thick sections using light microscopy, infrared microspectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy with x-ray elemental analysis. Analyses may also include Raman spectroscopy, instrumental chromatography, x-ray diffraction, or dating methods. (extracted from website)

Web Address http://www.orionanalytical.com
Postal Address James Martin

Orion Analytical

Post Office Box 550

Williamstown, Massachusetts01267


Phone (1) 413 458 0233
Fax (1) 413 458 0234
Contact info@orionanalytical.com
Searchable No
Categories Analysis / Research
Website Languages English

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