Paraffin oil

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A unstandardized term for a viscous hydrocarbon oil. Paraffin oil is generally considered to be an oil pressed from Paraffin wax. The term is also used as a synonym for Mineral oil and liquid petrolatum.

Synonyms and Related Terms

aceite de parafina (Esp.); huile de paraffine (Fr.); olio minerale (It); mineral oil; liquid petrolatum

Physical and Chemical Properties

Density 0.87-0.91 g/ml
Refractive Index 1.43295

Resources and Citations

  • G.S.Brady, Materials Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1971 Comment: p. 580
  • Tom Rowland, Noel Riley, A-Z Guide to Cleaning, Conserving and Repairing Antiques, Constable and Co., Ltd., London, 1981