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[Rohm & Haas] A registered trademark for a series of acrylic copolymer resins. In 1997, Paraloid was designated as the sole international name for these products in order to consolidate the North American (Acryloid) and European (Paraloid) names. In general, these acrylic resins dry to a clear transparent films. Paraloid resins have excellent resistance to wear, weathering, and chemicals. In 2008, Dupont acquired Rohm and Haas plastics, then merged with Dow Chemical in 2017 to form DowDupont Inc. The Paraloid series of resins is still manufactured by DowDupont Inc.

Synonyms and Related Terms


Additional Information

Rohm & Haas: Coatings Website


Abbreviated table below. For more information see Technical Properties of Paraloid Resins

MA=methylacrylate MMA=methylmethacrylate EA=ethylacrylate EMA=ethylmethacrylate BA=butylacrylate BMA=butylmethacrylate |}
Product name Base composition Mol. Weight Tg Forms Comments and commercial uses
A-11 MMA 125,000 10 100% solids, powder, hard resin resistant to water and alcohol; coatings

for metal, vinyl and plastic |

A-101 MMA 125,000 100 40% in MEK hard resin exterior durability and resistance
B-44 MMA/EA 140,000 60 100% solids, pellets excellent adhesion to various untreated substrates,

PVDF coatings

B-48N MMA/BA 250,000 50 100% solids, pellets unique hardness vs. flexibility; adhesion
B-66 MMA/BMA 70,000 50 100% solids, powder general purpose, fast solvent release
B-67 iBMA 60,000 50 100% solids, powder medium & long oil alkyd modifier, most water

resistant; general purpose thermoplastic

Paraloid B-72 EMA/MA 105,000 40 100% solids, pellets; 50% in toluene soft resin, compatible with various resin types
B-82 MMA/EA 120,000 35 100% solids, pellets general purpose, chemical resistant, softest resin
B-99N MMA/BMA 15,000 80 100% solids, pellets improves gloss of other resins; short & medium oil alkyd compatible, pigment dispersant

Resources and Citations

  • G.S.Brady, Materials Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1971 Comment: p.11
  • Conservation Materials Ltd., Catalog
  • Product Information: Rohm & Haas Acrylic Resin sheet, 1986