Phytic acid

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A long-chain hydrocarbon phosphate that is derived from corn and potato juices. Phytic acid is a complexing agent used for removing heavy metal ions. The calcium and calcium/magnesium salts of phytic acid are also used as calcium supplements.

Synonyms and Related Terms

cyclohexanehexyl hexaphosphate; inositolhexaphosphoric acid; calcium phytate (calcium salt of phytic acid); Phytin® (calcium magnesium salt of phytic acid); Calciphos (calcium iron salt of phytic acid)

Physical and Chemical Properties

Phytic acid: miscible in water, ethanol, glycerol. Insoluble in ether, benzene, chloroform. pH of 10% solution is 0.86

Calcium and calcium/magnesium salts are white powders that are poorly soluble in water. They are soluble in dilute mineral acids.

Composition C6H18O24P6
Molecular Weight mol. wt. = 660.04

Resources and Citations

  • J.G.Neevel, B.Reissland, Restaurator, 16, 1995, pp.145-160.