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Pomegranate fruit


A fruit and shrub (Punica granatum) native to southwestern Asia but now cultivated worldwide. Pomegranate rind, a natural yellow dye, is extracted from the skin of the unripe fruits. It has been used as a tannin and colorant for leather. Wool dyed with pomegranate extract is usually brown or black.

Synonyms and Related Terms

Punica granatum; pomegranate rind; pomegranate peel; dalim; Natural Yellow 7; Granatapfel (Deut.); Grenadine (Deut.); granada (Esp.); grenade (Fr.); granaatappel (Ned.); granatowiec właściwy (Pol.); romã (Port.); granatäpple (Sven.); zakuro (Jap.)

Silk dyed with pomegranate husk; Uemera Dye Archive

Physical and Chemical Properties

  • Rounded shrub growing to 6 m.
  • Bark=smooth aging to irregular ridges and furrows.
  • Leaves, often evergreen, simple, leathery, ovate (1-3 inches long)
  • Fruit=Round (to 4 inches), leathery red rind containing sacks of sweet red pulp surrounding seeds.

Additional Images

Resources and Citations

  • C.Ben Nasr, M.Metche, "A Study of the Association of the Tannins in Pomegranate Peel with Wool Proteins: Effect on Colour" Dyes in History and Archaeology, No.15, Paper presented in Manchester England, Nov. 1996.
  • Colour Index International online at www.colour-index.org
  • Helmut Schweppe, Schweppe color collection index and information book
  • A.Lucas, J.R.Harris, Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries, Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd., London, 4th edition, 1962
  • Virginia Tech Dendrology website at www.fw.vt.edu/dendro/dendrology/main.htm (Accessed Dec. 9, 2005)

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