Red fox

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Confiscated Red Fox Skins


Red Fox Vulpes vulpes

The most common Fox (Vulpes vulpes or Vulpes fulva) found in North America, Europe, Australia, Siberia, and Asia. The red fox is a medium sized canine a thick bushy tail and pointed ears. It has long, soft and dense fur with silky guard hairs. Red foxes usually have a dark reddish fur with white-tipped tail and black ears and legs. Color variations within the breed occur producing the Black fox and Silver fox in North America, and the Cross fox is found in North America, Europe and Asia. Fox pelts have been used for trim, capes, collars, and cuffs.

Synonyms and Related Terms

common fox; silver fox; black fox; cross fox; Vulpes vulpes; Vulpes fulva

Resources and Citations

  • Edward Reich, Carlton J. Siegler, Consumer Goods: How to Know and Use Them, American Book Company, New York City, 1937