Secondary Particle Induced X-ray Fluorescence

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This analytical method belongs to the group of Ion Beam Analysis. To achieve X-ray fluorescence analysis of lightweight elements in a matrix made of heavyweight elements, a solution can be found using a beam line equipped with an intermediate target acting as a proton induced low energy secondary X-ray source of an element with an atomic number between those of the elements to be analysed and those of the matrix. So, when the target emits its characteristic spectrum in the PIXE mode, these characteristic X-rays stimulate the emission of characteristic X-rays of the lightweight elements to be analysed, without interference from the spectral lines of the heavyweight elements of the matrix. Thus, a germanium target will produced XK photons of 9.98 keV, an energy adapted to the excitation of XK lines of copper and zinc included in a lead matrix, without interfering with the XL lines of this metal (10.45 et 10.55 keV) and thus analyse copper and zinc.

Secondary Particle Induced X-ray Fluorescence is sometimes called (PIXE)2

Resources and Citations

  • L. Bertrand, T. Calligaro, JC. Dran, M. Dubus, MF. Guerra, B. Moignard, L. Pichon, J. Salomon, P. Walter, Développement expérimental d’une ligne PIXE-XRF pour les matériaux du patrimoine, Proc. Congrès Rayons X et Matière 01, Strasbourg, (Nov 2001), in J. Phys. IV France 12 (2002) 359-364